
Fabricante: CIPLA

Generic Name: SILDENAFIL 50 MG

Package: 3 STRIP X 4 PILLS

SKU: 9061 Categoría: Etiqueta:



Suhagra – effective solution of male problems

In your no longer ideal, a relationship with your beloved wife has come a cooling period? Don’t be in a hurry out of desperation, conflict, or something much worse: break the relationship. Try to add a touch of romance and restore sexual intimacy by lighting a real fire of passion. This is very important, because women need care and expect of you, and intimacy is the most vivid manifestation of it. But what to do when intimate intimacy remains only in naive dreams, because there are problems with power? The answer is simple: buy Sukhagra 100 mg.

Suhagra and potency problems will remain in the past

Suhagra 50 mg is a reliable medicine. It is designed to neutralize the problem of erectile dysfunction in men, regardless of age. An exception is the category of buyers who have not reached the age of eighteen. The modern drug will help to get rid of the symptoms of the disease, which is embarrassing to say out loud. Yes, and tell anyone who is not a doctor about them, not necessarily.

Direct indicators of use:

  • erectile dysfunction (in full or partial manifestation);
  • decreased libido;
  • desire to improve pleasurable sensations during intercourse.

How does Suhagra work?

If you are not interested in exactly how this medicine restores erectile function, you can safely skip this section. According to the principle of action, the drug Suhagra is not different from Viagra itself, but from its generics and even analogues. After taking the pill, the main active substance in Sukhagry Sildenafil removes blockage of the vessels of the genital organs, acting selectively on the enzymes that cause it.

In healthy men, the body itself suppresses the activity of these enzymes during arousal, and for men with erectile dysfunction, for various reasons they remain viable. But after taking Suhagra all erectile processes stabilize, so you don’t have to worry!

Contraindications: every man should know

Suhagra 50 mg is of high quality, as it is produced only with the best raw materials with the modern formula. However, like any medication, this generic Viagra has certain contraindications. Therefore, before buying Suhagra 50 mg, you should read the instructions, because you can not neglect your health.

It is necessary to refrain from taking the medicine from Sukhagra if:

  • you have heart problems, this includes pathological problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • you are undergoing antibiotics and / or nitrates;
  • there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Tome el medicamento simplemente: solo tome una tableta cuarenta minutos antes de la proximidad propuesta, tómela con una pequeña cantidad de agua. Combine la droga con alcohol, puede hacerlo, pero solo con una pequeña cantidad, no más de una copa de vino. Sin embargo, si es posible, es mejor prescindir de ella.

Ventajas principales

El mercado farmacéutico ofrece al comprador una variedad de medicamentos que ayudarán a lidiar con un problema masculino común. Pero, ¿qué droga debería preferir y no lamentar su elección? Para obtener una respuesta completa a la pregunta principal, debe evaluar los beneficios del medicamento elegido.

Las principales ventajas de Sukhagry:

  • eficiencia;
  • efecto local en el cuerpo masculino (el medicamento es efectivo después de 60 minutos);
  • después de tomar la droga hay una erección poderosa;
  • bajo costo.